Saturday, 14 February 2015

Pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss

Why pregnancy loss happens
Coping with loss
Trying again

Pregnancy loss is a harsh reality faced by many expecting couples. If you have lost your baby, you know how devastating and painful

10 ways to avoid gaining too much pregnancy weight

10 ways to avoid gaining too much pregnancy weight

 It can be challenging to stick to the guidelines for pregnancy weight gain, especially if you've never craved carbohydrates so much in your life and it seems like everywhere you turn, people encourage you to eat for two.

How to Understand the Stages of Pregnancy

How to Understand the Stages of Pregnancy

In developed countries, there are many opportunities to learn about the stages of pregnancy such as antenatal classes for expectant parents. The quality of information varies widely and fortunately today, there is ample opportunity for parents to evaluate the quality of information they are receiving through printed, visual and electronic media. Understanding the stages of growth of the fetus as well as the changes in the mother’s body gives parents the opportunity to appreciate the well-being of both mother and child as the pregnancy advances. By understanding the stages of pregnancy, you can do your best to ensure that you are protecting both mother and baby’s well being.1

Schedule a visit to your healthcare provider when you think you may be pregnant.
From the moment you conceive, your body begins to make adjustments, with changes in hormone levels, circulation, blood pressure and breathing and metabolism generally. Monitoring these changes from the beginning of pregnancy is vital to understanding all of the stages of pregnancy and how you are progressing through them. 2

Expect a time of considerable change during the first trimester.
This is the time when the fertilized ovum starts to develop.The earliest signs of pregnancy include tiredness, mood swings, and around the eighth week, morning sickness symptoms may appear.
    Hormonal changes can be exacerbated by normal anxieties about pregnancy and motherhood, and weight gain of about 2 1/4 lbs or a kilo is normal.
    By the end of the thirteenth week, the risk of miscarriage is reduced by around 65%, morning sickness should be over and the development of the baby’s vital organs and structures is complete.
    Tests for chromosomal abnormalities and inherited disorders are usually done at around 11 weeks.

Anticipate an end to early discomforts in the second trimester.
During this stage, the expectant mother can look and feel incredibly well, more relaxed and happy. Weight gain continues and there may be changes to breasts, skin and hair.

Start feeling the baby’s movements around week 18 to 20.
This is a time of rapid growth for the baby who will measure about 5 to 5 1⁄2 inches (12.7 to 14.0 cm) and weigh about 5 1/4 oz when 18 weeks old. The baby can now hear and respond to outside noises and becomes quite active.
 Expect to need more rest in the last trimester.  
The final trimester can be an exciting yet demanding time as the weight of the growing baby increases along with your own weight.
 It is generally assumed that the weight gain comes from the baby but the fetus is actually only responsible for about 7 1/2 pounds. The added weight comes from the placenta, uterus, amniotic fluid, breasts, blood, fat and tissue fluid, all totaling about 29 pounds of extra weight.
Feel some discomfort mixed with emotions as the forthcoming birth approaches.
The baby usually gets into the birth position at around 33 to 36 weeks and at this stage the baby should be around 14 inches (35.6 cm) long and weigh about 6 3/4 lbs.
  • The baby is clinically mature and considered full term and is ready to be born at any time now.
  • Week 40 of the pregnancy is the anticipated due date but only about 5% of babies are born on exactly the estimated date of delivery   
  • If you can anticipate and welcome the different stages of pregnancy you will go through, instead of being surprised and upset by them, your pregnancy will be a more tranquil experience.
  • Knowing what is “normal” can be very comforting, realizing that every woman is unique and not all changes are exactly the same.
  • Ask your doctor to advise you about the necessary screening tests. Ultrasound techniques can detect abnormalities of fetal growth, but need to be repeated and evaluated before they can be accepted as a good measure of outcomes. Testing for known high-risk conditions has become increasingly complex and the medical profession has to take into consideration not only the cost of such testing but the human cost as well. Tests may bring reassurance to some women, but for others they may generate excessive anxiety by merely raising the question of abnormality. The consequences of erroneous diagnoses deserve careful consideration.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Prenatal tests

Prenatal tests

Tests are used during pregnancy to check your and your baby's health. At your fist prenatal visit, your doctor will use tests to check for a number of things, such as:

Prenatal care

Prenatal care

#.  Selecting a antepartum care supplier
 #.   Places to deliver your baby
 #.  Prenatal checkups
 #.   Monitor your baby's activity
Medical checkups and screening tests help keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy. This is called prenatal care. It also

Your developing baby

Your developing baby

First trimester (week 1-week 12)

At four weeks:

  • Your baby's brain and spinal cord have begun to form.
  • The heart begins to form.
  • Arm and leg buds appear.
  • Your baby is now an embryo and one-twenty-fifth inch long.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Stages of pregnancy

Stages of pregnancy

  # trimester (week 1-week 12)
    # trimester (week 13-week 28)
    # trimester (week 29-week 40)
    #Your developing baby